Blog: Health & Nutrition

  • Balsamic Vinegar of Modena

    How to use Balsamic Vinegar of Modena

    Given that you might be reading this from anywhere in the world, chances are you aren’t from Modena, Italy, and you might not know a lot about its star product: balsamic vinegar. Don’t worry! We’re here to tell you how to make the most of this barrel-aged vinegar, made by fermenting the thick syrup formed […]

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    November 24, 2020
  • healthy breakfast

    Quick, easy and healthy breakfasts with 3 ingredients

    Sick and tired of the same old ham and cheese sandwich for breakfast? Bored with coffee and muffins every single morning? If every day is a new day, then why carry on eating the same things for your first meal of the day? Give your breakfasts a new lease of life with these three delicious, […]

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    November 10, 2020
  • vegetable soup

    How to make vegetable soup

    Veggies take on a whole new life with a dash of extra-virgin olive oil. This liquid gold makes any dish into a real treasure. If you’re a fan of vegetable soup, you’re in for a treat. So, make sure you’ve got a bottle of extra-virgin olive oil on hand: it’s as vital as the air […]

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    November 3, 2020
  • fats

    Which fats should we cut out of our diet?

    The key fats in a healthy diet are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. These are the fats found in the Mediterranean diet, as shown in the Healthy Eating Plate, designed by top nutritionists at the prestigious Harvard Medical School, who lead the world in this field. The important thing is to avoid those which are not. […]

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    October 1, 2020
  • Nutritious 5-Minute Breakfasts

    Nutritious 5-Minute Breakfasts

    Do you know about all the things you can do with a glass of walnut milk?   Here are a few ideas:  Make oatmeal: Gently boil some rolled oats in walnut milk until it has the desired texture. Serve in a bowl with your favorite toppings: berries, cinnamon, cookies, chocolate, walnuts, almonds, seeds…  If you aren’t all that hungry […]

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    September 23, 2020
  • olives STAR

    Can I eat olives every day?

    Listen up all you olive lovers, you’re in luck. The answer to whether you can eat your favorite snack every day is a resounding yes. Can you? You should! What are the reasons for eating olives every day? Here they are. Olives are heart healthy. The unsaturated fatty acids in olives are the best gift […]

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    September 16, 2020
  • star - healthy post-summer tips

    5 Healthy Post-Summer Tips

    Grab a bottle of STAR extra-virgin olive oil and say goodbye to the post-summer blues with these healthy dishes that will bring back that high-energy feeling. Lentil salad to the rescue! Mix some cooked lentils, smoked salmon, crumbled feta, and a handful of cashews. Add a dash of extra-virgin olive oil. Dinner’s ready! What about […]

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    September 8, 2020
  • How To Make Non-dairy Overnight Oats Using Natura Rice And Walnut Drink

    Have you tried overnight oats? It’s super trendy right now and with good reason — It’s the perfect balanced breakfast, filled with protein and fiber to keep you full throughout the morning!  Overnight oats are meant to be eaten cold, so no need to spend extra time trying to heat it up– simply grab it […]

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    August 3, 2020

    Why are olives so healthy?

    When you hear the word “fruit,” one of the first associations that comes to mind is “healthy.” And the same applies to olives, which are the fruit of the olive tree. Olives are used to make olive oil, a key part of a healthy lifestyle. So what is it exactly about olives that makes them so good for you? The […]

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    July 15, 2020
  • STAR - Walnut drink

    Have you heard about the wonderful walnut drink?

    Versatile walnuts are packed with goodness for your body. Now that more and more people are eager to look after themselves, walnuts in general and walnut drink in particular are a great way to give yourself an energy boost of healthy fats, proteins, iron and carbohydrates. In addition, walnut drink is the perfect alternative to […]

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    July 1, 2020
  • STAR 20200625 ALTA

    The definitive detox trick: a glass of water with a drop of Apple Cider Vinegar

    Take note of this wonder of nature that not only purifies, cleanses and detoxes, but also makes you feel full! Apple cider vinegar could become your new best ally for detoxing your body, boosting your digestion and keeping the pounds under control, thanks to its fat-burning properties. It’s very easy to incorporate it into your […]

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    June 23, 2020
  • STAR - Apple cider vinegar

    What can apple cider vinegar do for you?

    Apple cider vinegar is packed with so much goodness that once you’ve read this post you’ll be dashing out to get your hands on a bottle asap! It’s rich in acetic acid, which helps your body absorb minerals. It’s also rich in pectin, which helps your body flush out toxins. It’s a great source of […]

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    June 23, 2020