Blog Posts

  • STAR - Olive oil healthy

    Why is olive oil so healthy?

    Let’s start with another question: isn’t it true that any fruit juice is healthy? Well, it’s exactly the same with olive juice. This cold-pressed liquid with no added chemicals—known understandably to many as liquid gold—is simply packed with goodness. Hundreds of studies have proven that it’s one of the healthiest foods in the world. Here […]

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    April 8, 2020

    Vegetable soups for kids

    There’s no need to complicate things if you want your children to love simple, tasty vegetable soups. Here are four recipes you can make starting with a dash of mild, extra-lightolive oil and topped off with some homemade baked croutons. Bon appétit! Pumpkin, carrot and leek. A classic. If you like, you can swap the pumpkin […]

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    April 6, 2020
  • best time to eat pasta

    The Best Time to Eat Pasta

    We live in enlightening times when it comes to food and nutrition, with scientific research steadily disproving many traditionally held beliefs, such as the old chestnut that carbohydrates are fattening, especially at dinnertime. Although it’s certainly true that it’s best not to eat huge portions of carbohydrates for your evening meal — when you won’t […]

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    May 8, 2019

    Top 3 Tips for Vegetarian Pasta

    Chefs love pasta. It goes with almost anything and can be easily adapted to fit your every need — vegetarians included. Here are some tips for creating delicious meatless dishes with penne, fusilli, farfalle, spaghetti and the like. Use Vegetables That Are in Season Peas, asparagus, zucchini, broad beans, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, etc. The trick is to […]

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    May 8, 2019
  • olive oil

    Roasted Garlic Oil Dishes

    The unmistakable hint of garlic in Star Roasted Garlic olive oil will turn some of your recipes into unforgettable dishes. Here are some suggestions: Roasted Meat It’s high time you added a dash of this olive oil to your turkey, chicken, lamb or beef. It also works wonders with fish. Vinaigrette If you’re someone who likes […]

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    April 17, 2019
  • olive oil

    An Olive Oil for Every Occasion

    Salad If you’re the salad king (or queen), your lunches probably look more like a Picasso painting than a salad. The ideal way to bring all this to life is with Star extra virgin olive oil, an intense, strongly flavored olive oil with a delicate texture that leaves a delicious aftertaste of almond. It livens up […]

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    April 17, 2019
  • essential easter ingredients

    Essential Easter Ingredients

    Some ingredients are essential throughout the year, but during Easter even more. Extra virgin olive oil In sauces, in vinaigrette, on bread… This miraculous liquid will brighten up any dish and is essential in numerous Easter recipes, from roasted lamb to glazed ham or side dishes with potatoes or seasonal vegetables creams (try wild asparagus, […]

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    April 9, 2019
  • Simple, Nutty Vinaigrette

    So, you’ve opened the fridge and found a lettuce, tomatoes, some goat cheese and maybe some radishes and a carrot or two. Well, you’re in luck! All you need now is a simple nutty vinaigrette to create a delicious, nutritional salad. If you fancy throwing in some cold pasta, go right ahead! Recipe Simply mix […]

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    April 3, 2019
  • The Best Sauces Made with Olive Oil

    There’s no end of mouthwatering sauces! Here are some of our favorites: Mayonnaise Star extra virgin olive oil, eggs and some good wrist action. It’s not often you get something this delicious so quickly. Chimichurri Chilli, pepper, garlic, lemon and oregano team up with our trusty extra virgin olive oil to make this firm favorite […]

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    April 3, 2019
  • The Key Ingredient in Pasta

    There are certain rules when it comes to pasta. Bolognese sauce with tagliatelle, carbonara sauce with spaghetti, and never ever chicken with any pasta dish whatsoever! There is also one basic ingredient in almost every single genuine Italian pasta dish — extra virgin olive oil. The star of the show, able to liven up any […]

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    March 21, 2019
  • The Most Popular Italian Pasta Dish

    The average person may struggle to decide which pasta is their favorite, but in Italy there is no doubt. They can’t resist spaghetti with tomato sauce. At the heart of Italian cuisine is something appreciated by cooks all over the world — its simplicity. With just five ingredients, this recipe can conjure up the magic of an Italian home. Ingredients First […]

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    March 21, 2019
  • Sushi for kids read more
    March 13, 2019