There’s only one answer to this question: yes. That doesn’t mean that ordinary pasta isn’t healthy as well, but whole wheat pasta is packed with far more nutrients. Here’s why:
White Flour and Whole Wheat Flour
Ordinary pasta is made with white, refined flour, whereas whole wheat pasta is made with whole wheat flour. Not only do they look different, but whole wheat flour is made by grinding whole grains of wheat, including the bran and germ. These two components are removed to make white flour, which is basically just starch and some protein.
Keeping the Bran and Germ Means Keeping the Nutrients
These nutrients are necessary and beneficial for our organism. They are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins B and E, essential acids and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and iron.
Healthier, More Beneficial
All this means a whole host of health benefits, such as the fact that whole wheat pasta has a lower glycemic index, which means a slower intake and lower levels of blood glucose. It boosts bowel transit, helps combat hypercholesterolemia and gives a longer-lasting sense of being full after a meal. A healthy diet that includes regular consumption of whole wheat foods can help cut the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer, as well as help with weight loss.
Different Texture and Flavor
In the kitchen, whole wheat pasta is just as versatile as the familiar ordinary pasta. It’s great with all the fresh vegetables, sauces and meat you’d usually use. It has a slightly longer cooking time and retains its own flavor more, whereas ordinary pasta tends to take on the flavor of the ingredients and sauce that accompany it. Whole wheat pasta isn’t as smooth and creamy as ordinary pasta. Since it lacks bran and germ, ordinary pasta isn’t as healthy as whole wheat pasta, but it’s still an excellent source of energy.