Our History
Over 100 Years of Prosperity…
1898 – Angelo Giurlani settles in San Francisco and begins importing Mediterranean products.
1921 – A. Giurlani & Bros. expand their American trade by distributing to Northern California supermarkets.
1940 – STAR Brand Olive Oil becomes a leading product in the West.
1958 – Giurlani Bros. begins packing wine vinegar, olives, onions and capers under the STAR label.
1995 – The Borges Group, Spain’s leading exporter of olive oil, purchases Giurlani USA, Inc., bringing to STAR a stronger presence in the Mediterranean specialty foods arena. The name change to STAR Fine Foods better reflects the importance of the growing national brand, STAR. STAR Fine Foods becomes one of the eighty international companies owned by Borges.
2001 – STAR Fine Foods acquires Cara Mia brand of artichokes and changes its name to Borges USA, Inc. to reflect the breadth of the Mediterranean products.
2005 – Borges USA, Inc. acquires Pacific Choice brand for food service market.
Today – Borges Group’s mission is to become the world’s leading supplier of the highest quality foods of the Mediterranean Diet.