Don’t leave it all to the last minute! Start stocking up now before the shops get busy and then you’ll only have fresh food left to buy. Save time and avoid unnecessary stress by adding these essential products to your shopping list today:
Extra-virgin olive oil. For salads, cooking, in a small bowl together with salt flakes and crusty bread… Olive oil has a thousand and one uses!
Nuts. Mix with dried fruit as healthy nibbles or add to a wide range of Christmas recipes. Throw a handful of nuts into your favourite salad, add to your homemade bread or desserts or try them with meat. Amazingly versatile!
Bread. Of course! Buy a loaf of your favourite bread now and pop it in the freezer for later, instead of having to dash out when the shops are heaving.
Wine. Now is a great time to check out the pre-Christmas offers and stock up on your wine and spirits for the holiday period. Remember: a stitch in time saves nine…
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