Quick, easy, delicious treats to prepare with the family. Take a chance with these appetizers. They’ll be the hit of the party!
Evil eyes from mozzarella and olives Set the mozzarella balls on a place and dribble a little tomato sauce on them to look like blood. Next, add a black olive slice to finish the eye.
A graveyard of guacamole Whip up some homemade guacamole and serve it in small glasses or on a large tray. Stick nachos into it to look like gravestones. To finish it off, add cheese, meat or your favorite toppings.
Mummified garlic bread Prepare a mixture of extra-virgin olive oil, finely grated garlic and parsley. Spread the mixture on your choice of bread and bake it in the oven for a few minutes until the bread is crispy. Take any cheese you may have in the fridge and cut it into small strips. Melt them on top of the garlic bread to look like a mummy’s bandages. Delicious!
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